Core contributors

Volunteer and paid contributors to LSF that have showcased substantial contributions in one or more projects of the Foundation and alignment with the Libre Space Manifesto, are invited by the board to participate in the “Core Contributors” group.

Current “Core Contributors” can be found in the About Us section of the Libre Space website.

Being a member of “Core Contributors” grants the individual the following privileges and duties:

  1. Recognition in website About section

  2. Access to private “Core Contributors” discussion group in

  3. Access to channel

  4. An email account of format accessible through IMAP, POP, SMTP and website

  5. Membership to LSF Core group on GitLab

  6. Access to LSF cloud

  7. Participation to LSF All-Hands (annual get together of all core contributors)

  8. Commitment to represent, spread and uphold the Principles and Pillars of the Libre Space Manifesto


Joining the “Core Contributors” group requires a nomination by an existing member and approval by the LSF board.


Once a new member is approved for the “Core Contributors” group, the process of onboarding can start. The first step of this process is to be assigned an onboarding “buddy” . The “buddy” helps and supports you with the process, guides you through the day-to-day processes and instills you with the values and culture of the organization. The onboarding also includes trivial IT operations actions as well as actions to kick-start collaboration with other contributors. The new contributor should open a new onboarding issue on the LSF organizational repository, and follow the checklist to completion. This detailed checklist contains all actions that need to happen so that the new contributor is fully enabled.